Frequent Feedback

The Frequent Feedback stage is designed to facilitate feedback from the child at regular, appropriate intervals throughout the service engagement. The activities below are designed to be delivered flexibly and tailored to the individual needs and goals of the child. Activities in this phase support the practitioner to check in on the child’s progress in their recovery journey, and to encourage the child to share their service experience and any unmet needs.

Feedback shouldn’t be something that happens at end of support. It should happen throughout to understand how service can improve throughout.
— Tariq
Services should seek feedback later on about what is working and not working to make the child feel safe.
— Oliver

Self-reflection activities: How are you going?

Self check-in

‘Self check-in’ is a self reflection activity to be used during the Frequent Feedback phase. It aims to uphold the CHANGE principles of ‘Create space and time’, ‘Hear the child’ and ‘Navigate trust’. This activity enables the child to reflect on and communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs during their service engagement, including any changes since the last time this activity was completed (if relevant). ‘Self check-in’ is intended for children both under and over the age of 10 years.  Download the printable version and editable version of the activity below.

Recommended for children aged under 10 years
Recommended for young people aged over 10 years

Self-reflection activities: How are we going?

Post it note feedback

‘Post it note feedback’ is a service feedback activity to be used during the Frequent Feedback phase. It aims to uphold the CHANGE principles of ‘Hear the child’, ‘Act on feedback’ and ‘Navigate trust’, by supporting children to continually reflect on their service engagement and keeping the service accountable to children. ‘Post it note feedback’ is intended for children both under and over the age of 10 years.  Download the printable version and editable version of the activity below.

Recommended for children aged under 10 years
Recommended for young people aged over 10 years