About Us

The CHANGE Children’s Feedback Tool has been created alongside children and young people as family violence experts by experience, informed by their insights, experiences and ideas. It seeks to address gaps between what children and young people identify as important in their family violence response and recovery, and what is happening in practice.

The Tool has been developed through the Children’s Voices for Change research project, funded by the Victorian Government through Family Safety Victoria’s Family Violence Research Grants Program (Phase 1).

This project applied a children's rights-based approach to better understand the response and recovery needs of children and pre-adolescents as victim-survivors of family violence in their own right.

The project was led by Dr Georgina Dimopoulos of Southern Cross University, along with researchers at Swinburne University of Technology, and project partners Safe and Equal and the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare. The project was supported by a Project Advisory Group consisting of experts from research, policy and practice; and a Youth Advisory Group comprising children and young people with lived experience of family violence.

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