Final Feedback

The Final Feedback stage represents the conclusion of the child’s service engagement. The focus is on obtaining feedback about the child’s overall service experience. The activities below are designed to encourage the child to reflect on their recovery journey during the support period and to identify any unmet needs.

Services meet young people at a vulnerable point in their life. If it is has been something that really helped them and made them feel safer, it can be hard to then provide constructive feedback...especially acknowledging the power imbalance between a practitioner and young person.
— Anita

Self-reflection activities: Did you get what you needed?

Self check-in

‘Self check-in’ is a self reflection activity to be used during the Final Feedback phase. It aims to uphold the CHANGE principles of ‘Create space and time’, ‘Hear the child’ and ‘Navigate trust’. This activity enables the child to reflect on and communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs at the end of their service engagement. ‘Self check-in’ is intended for children both under and over the age of 10 years. Download the printable version and editable version of the activity below.

Recommended for children aged under 10 years
Recommended for young people aged over 10 years

My support journey

‘My support journey’ is a self reflection activity intended for use during the Final Feedback phase. It aims to uphold the CHANGE principles of ‘Hear the child’ and ‘Give choice and agency’ by giving the child an opportunity to reflect on their service experience. ‘My support journey’ has been adapted for children over and under the age of 10 years. Download the printable version and editable version of the activity relevant to the age of the child below.

Recommended for children aged under 10 years
Recommended for young people aged over 10 years

Service feedback activities: How did we do?

My feedback for CHANGE

‘My feedback for CHANGE’ is a service feedback activity to be used during the Final Feedback phase. It aims to uphold the CHANGE principles of ‘Hear the child’ and ‘Act on feedback’. This activity gives children the opportunity to share their reflections on their service experience. It also facilitates continuous improvement in service delivery. ‘My feedback for CHANGE’ is intended for children both under and over the age of 10 years. Download the printable version and editable version of the activity below.

Recommended for children aged under 10 years
Recommended for young people aged over 10 years